
Video #3 Response (Alshaibi)

WHOOOOAA! First thing that comes to mind is that this video was nauseating! Had it continued on much longer I might have vomited! It was like a car crash: you didn't want to watch but you couldn't tear your eyes off the scene. The imagery is intense and insanely fascinating! My hat goes off to the amount of patience he had in order to create this video. I noticed that unlike the other video we saw that day which had depth b/c of the layers of images, this video has a great amount of depth and movement that helped to carry/move it along. It was very dramatic as well, not just b/c of the music but I felt like there were definite moments of climax where the patterns would become more intense or they would multiply so that they took over the screen. I know that b/c of resolution this video was meant to be seen on a smaller format t.v. but I would really enjoy it if it was shown at an IMAX theatre so it would be that much more obnoxious (in an intense, overwhelming way--not in a bad way) and nauseating!

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