
Video #2 Response (SOS)

Going into the video knowing that there were issues with how people received the text made me more aware of how I would approach it. So I didn't focus on just the text entirely or just the images entirely; I read a little and watched a little of both. I think that helped b/c I understood enough from the text but what I didn't read I was able to pick up from the video. Text aside, I felt like there were so many images in the video that it was a little difficult to take in b/c there was so much visual stimulus to absorb and it was changing at such a pace that it was distracting. When this happened I would revert to the text and when I got tired of reading I'd go back to the video or when I felt like I was getting enough info I'd go back to the video. In this sense, I think it was extremely successful to incorporate both text and visual b/c they would be lost without each other.

This is something that has relevance to my work b/c like I've said in previous blogs, I really like incorporating text in my work b/c sometimes I feel like text would aid the viewer's understanding or help communicate my meaning. I hesitate, though, b/c I don't know that it would hurt the work or, like in the case of this video, help it.

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